Saturday 30 November 2013

Soil Organisms

Understanding soil organisms

Soil organisms or also called soil biota are all living things , both animal ( fauna ) and plants ( flora ) that all or part of the phases of his life are in the soil system .
Soil Organisms grouping soil organisms can be sorted by various categories , as follows :Based on its role , soil organisms are divided into three groups , namely :
( a) an organism that is beneficial to the growth and development of plants( b ) organisms that harm crops( c ) organisms are not beneficial and not harmful . Examples of beneficial soil organisms :1 . soil organisms that can contribute nitrogen to the soil and plants , namely : nitrogen pemfiksasi bacteria ( Rhizobium , Azosphirillum , Azotobacter , etc. ) ,2 . soil organisms that can dissolve phosphate , namely : phosphate solvent bacteria ( Pseudomonas ) and fungi phosphate solvent ,3 . soil organisms which can improve the availability of nutrients to plants , namely : earthworms .

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