Friday 29 November 2013

Morphological Characteristic Classification as the Basis for seed plants

Morphological Characteristic Classification as the Basis for seed plants

To facilitate the study of plants is very diverse , it is conscious or unconscious humans classify existing plants according to their respective interests . Categorization or classification is based on the nature and characteristics of the plant diversity . The purpose of classification is to find similarities and differences in the nature and characteristics of the plant diversity .

Classification used is an artificial classification . The purpose of this classification is to facilitate the introduction , essentially only one or two morphological features easily seen that the leaves and stems .

Seed plants are classified based on morphological features of vegetative parts include the leaves and stems . Here 's a table of the morphological features of vegetative parts of plants have seeds which should be the basis pencandraan or identifying a plant . This table can be used as a reference for the classification , after an unidentified form of seed plants stems and leaves .

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