Saturday 30 November 2013

Provision Mechanism for Plant Nutrient

Some Plant Nutrient Requirements

During the period of growth and development, plants need some nutrients that include : Carbon ( C ), Hydrogen ( H ), Oxygen ( O ), Nitrogen ( N ), phosphorus ( P ), Potassium( K ), calcium ( Ca ), magnesium ( Mg ), sulfur ( S ), iron ( Fe ), manganese ( Mn ), boron ( B ), Mo, Copper ( Cu ), Zinc ( Zn ) and Chlorine ( Cl ). Nutrients are classified as Essential nutrients. This essential nutrient for plants based on the amount of their needs, grouped into two, namely :

1. the necessary nutrients the plants in large numbers called Macro Nutrient

2. plant nutrients required in small quantities called Micro Nutrients . Includes macro nutrients : N , P , K , Ca , Mg , and S. Micro nutrients include : Fe , Mn , B , Mo , Cu , Zn , and Cl.

Mechanism of Nutrient Supply

The supply of nutrients to the plant consists of three categories , namely:

1. is available from the air
2. available from plant roots absorb water
3. are available from the ground . Some nutrients are available in sufficient quantities of air are :
a. Carbon ( C )
b. Oxygen ( O )

which is in the form of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ). Available nutrients from water ( H2O ) are absorbed are: hydrogen ( H ), because the oxygen from water molecules undergo oxidation process and released into the air by plants in the form of molecular oxygen ( O2 ). As for other essential nutrients that plants need are available from the soil.

The mechanism of nutrient supply in the soil via three mechanisms , namely :
1 . The mass flow ( Mass Flow )
2 . diffusion
3 . Root interception

Mass Flow Mechanism

Mass flow mechanism is a mechanism of nutrient movement in the soil toward the root surface together with the movement of water masses. During the lifetime of the plant experienced the evaporation of water, known as transpiration events. During the process of plant transpiration takes place, there is also the process of absorption of water by plant roots. Mass movement of water to the plant roots a direct result of the mass uptake of water by plant roots also carry entrained nutrients contained in the water. Events availability of nutrients contained in the water to come with the mass movement of water to the surface of plant roots known as Mass Flow Mechanism. Nutrient availability to plants through this mechanism include : nitrogen ( 98.8 % ), calcium ( 71.4 % ), sulfur ( 95.0 % ), and Mo ( 95.2 % ).

Diffusion mechanism

Availability of nutrients to the surface of plant roots, can also occur due to concentration differences through the mechanism. The concentration of nutrients in the plant root surface is lower than the concentration of nutrients in the soil solution and nutrient concentration on the surface of colloidal clay and organic colloids on the surface. This condition occurs because most of the nutrients have been absorbed by plant roots. The high nutrient concentrations in the third position causes the occurrence of diffusion of highly concentrated nutrients to the plant root surface position. Nutrient movement events occur because of differences in nutrient concentration is known as diffusion mechanism of nutrient supply. Some nutrients are available through the diffusion mechanism , are: phosphorus ( 90.9 % ) and potassium ( 77.7 % ).

Interception mechanism Roots

Root interception mechanism is very different from the two previous mechanisms . Both previous mechanism explains the movement of nutrients to the roots of plants, while the third mechanism explains the movement of plant roots that shorten the distance with the presence of nutrients. This event occurs because the plant roots grow and elongate, thereby extending the reach of the roots. Extension of the roots closer to the root surface makes the position where the nutrients are, both nutrients are in the soil solution, the surface of colloidal clay and organic colloids surface. The mechanism of nutrient availability are known as root interception mechanism. Nutrient availability is largely through this mechanism are : calcium ( 28.6 % ).

Cation Exchange Capacity

Understanding Cation Exchange Capacity

One of the chemical properties of the soil are closely associated with the availability of nutrients to plants and soil fertility is an indicator of Cation Exchange Capacity ( CEC ) or Cation Exchangable Cappacity ( CEC ) . CEC is the total amount of exchangeable cations (cation exchangable ) on the surface of the negatively charged colloid . CEC is a unit of measurement results milliequivalen cations in the soil or to 100 grams per 100 g of soil cations .

Some terms CEC

Based on the type of colloid is negatively charged surface , CEC can be grouped into three , namely :
1 . CEC inorganic colloids or clay soil known as CEC ,
2 . CEC organic colloids known as CEC or soil organic matter , and
3 . Total CEC or CEC .

CEC CEC or clay Inorganic Colloids

CEC clay is the amount of exchangeable cations on the surface of inorganic colloids ( colloidal clay ) which are negatively charged .
Clay CEC value depends on the type of clay , for example :
a. Kaolinite clay CEC value = 3 s / d 5 me/100 g .
b . Clay and Clay Chlorite Illit , has a value of CEC = 10 s / d 40 me/100 g .
c . Montmorillonite clay , CEC value = 80 s / d 150 me/100 g .
d . Vermikullit clay , CEC value = 100 s / d 150 me/100 g .

CEC Organic Colloids

CEC organic colloids often referred to as CEC of soil organic matter is the amount of exchangeable cations on the surface of negatively charged organic colloids .
Organic colloids CEC value is higher than the value of the colloidal inorganic CEC . CEC value of organic colloids ranged from 200 g to 300 me/100 me/100 g .

The total CEC or CEC Land

A total CEC CEC value of the soil is the total amount of exchangeable cations from the soil , either cations on the surface of colloidal organic ( humus ) and cations on the surface of inorganic colloids ( clay ) .

Differences CEC Land Based Sources Negative Charge

Based on the negative charge of land resources , soil CEC values ​​are divided into 2 , namely :
1 . CEC permanent charge , and
2 . CEC is not a permanent charge .

Permanent Load CEC

Permanent charge CEC is the sum of exchangeable cations on the surface of colloidal clay with a negative charge originating source of isomorphic substitution mechanism . Isomorphic substitution is the replacement mechanism between the position of the cation with the size or diameter of the cation is almost the same but different content. The isomorphic substitution occurs from high divalent cations with lower valence cations in the structure of the clay plates , both plates clay Si - Al - tetrahedron and octahedron .

Examples of the negative charge above events are : ( a) . isomorphic substitution of Si position with 4 + charge on the clay plate structure by Si - tetrahedron charged Al 3 + , resulting in an excess of negative charge , ( b ) . the isomorphic substitution of Al positions are charged 3 + on clay Al - octahedron structure by Mg 2 + -charged , also occurred one negative charge , and ( c ) . isomorphic substitution of the position of the Al 3 + -charged isomorphic substitution of previous results on Si - tetrahedron clay plates that have been charged neatif one , was replaced by Mg 2 + -charged , then it happens again the addition of a negative charge , thus forming a negative charge on the two plates the Si - tetrahedron clay . The negative charge is formed is not affected by changes in soil pH . Measured soil CEC is a permanent charge CEC .

CEC Payload Not Permanent

CEC charge is not permanent or CEC depending on the pH of the soil is the sum of exchangeable cations on the surface of colloidal clay with a source of negative charge of clay is not derived from the mechanisms of substitution isomorphic but derived from the mechanism of fracture or pop-up on the surface of colloidal clay , so it depends on the concentration of H + and OH - from the soil solution .

Soil CEC Measurement Results

Based on the measurement and calculation techniques in the laboratory soil CEC , the CEC values ​​are grouped into two , namely :
1 . Effective CEC
2 . The total CEC .

Soil Chemical Properties

Soil Active Components

Soil texture is composed of three components , namely : sand , silt and clay . These three components are distinguished by different size . Sand particles sized between 200 micrometers to 2000 micrometers . Dust particles measuring between 2 micrometers to less than 200 micrometers . Clay particles measuring less than 2 micrometers . The finer the particle size of the soil constituent will have a surface area of particles per unit weight of increasingly widespread . Soil particles have more surface area to give more opportunities to the occurrence of chemical reactions . Clay particles unity weights have a wider surface area than the second constituent particles of soil texture (such as : dust and sand ) .

Chemical reactions that occur on the surface of clay particles more than the surface of the particles of dust and sand unity equal weight . Thus , particles of clay soil is the most active component of the chemical reaction , so it determines the chemical properties of the soil and affect soil fertility .

Some Soil Chemical PropertiesSome soil chemical properties that are important to know and understand , include :

  1. soil pH2 . organic carbon content
  2. nitrogen content
  3. carbon and nitrogen ratio ( C / N )
  4. phosphorus content of the soil , consisting of : P - and P - total available land
  5. content of exchangeable base cations
  6. acid cation content
  7. base saturation ( KB )
  8. cation exchange capacity ( CEC ) , include : clay CEC , CEC , CEC effective , permanent charge CEC and CEC soil pH dependent charge
  9. 10 . aluminum saturation.

Soil Organisms

Understanding soil organisms

Soil organisms or also called soil biota are all living things , both animal ( fauna ) and plants ( flora ) that all or part of the phases of his life are in the soil system .
Soil Organisms grouping soil organisms can be sorted by various categories , as follows :Based on its role , soil organisms are divided into three groups , namely :
( a) an organism that is beneficial to the growth and development of plants( b ) organisms that harm crops( c ) organisms are not beneficial and not harmful . Examples of beneficial soil organisms :1 . soil organisms that can contribute nitrogen to the soil and plants , namely : nitrogen pemfiksasi bacteria ( Rhizobium , Azosphirillum , Azotobacter , etc. ) ,2 . soil organisms that can dissolve phosphate , namely : phosphate solvent bacteria ( Pseudomonas ) and fungi phosphate solvent ,3 . soil organisms which can improve the availability of nutrients to plants , namely : earthworms .

Friday 29 November 2013

Morphology of Corn

Morphology of Corn

1 . root


Corn has root fibers with three kinds of roots , namely the seminal root , adventitious roots , and the roots latch or buffer . Seminal roots are roots that develop from the radicle and embryo . Seminal root growth will slow after plumula emerges from the ground and seminal root growth will stop at the V3 phase . Adventitious roots are roots that originally evolved from the book at the end mesokotil , then sets adventitious roots growing from each book in sequence and continues up between 7-10 books , everything below the ground surface . Adventitious roots growing into thick fibrous roots . Seminal roots just a bit role in the life cycle of corn . Adventitious roots play a role in nutrient and water uptake . The total weight of the roots of corn consists of 52 % seminal adventitious roots and 48 % of nodal roots . Root latch or buffer is adventitious roots that appear in two or three books on the surface of the ground . The function of the root of the buffer is to keep the plant in order to remain upright rods and tackle fall . This root also helps the absorption of nutrients and water

2 . cornstalk

Corn plants have stems unbranched , cylindrical , and consists of a number of segments and book sections . In the book there is a section which shoots develop into cob . The top two buds develop into productive cob . Trunk has three main network components , namely the skin ( epidermis ) , a network of vessels ( vascular bundles ) , and the central stem ( pith ) . Vascular bundles are arranged in concentric circles with bundles of high density , and perikarp circles close to the epidermis . Bundles density decreases so approaching the center of the rod . High concentration of vascular bundles beneath the epidermis causing bacillus fall . Maize genotypes that have strong stems have more layers of thick -walled sklerenkim tissue below the epidermis and peripheral stem vascular bundles ( Paliwal 2000) . There are variations in skin thickness antargenotipe that can be used for the selection of plant tolerance to stem fall .

Corn stalks upright and easily visible , as sorghum and sugarcane , but not like rice or wheat . There mutant stem is not growing rapidly so the rosette -shaped plants . Jointed rod . Wrapped in leaf midrib segments emerging from the book . Corn stalks sturdy enough but does not contain much lignin .

3. leaf

Corn leaf is perfect leaf. Elongated shape. Between midrib and leaf blade are ligula. Bone leaf veins parallel to the mother. Leaves no slippery surface and there is hair. Stomata on leaves of corn dumbbell-shaped, which is typical familia owned Poaceae. Each stomata epidermal cells surrounded by fan-shaped.

4. cornflower

Corn has a flower jantandan separate female flowers (diklin) in one plant (monoecious). Each flower has the typical structure of the tribe Poaceae flowers, called florets. In maize, two florets bounded by a pair glumae (singular: gluma). Male flowers grow at the top of the plant, a bouquet of flowers (inflorescence). Pollen distinctive yellow and flavorful. Female flowers are arranged in a cob.

5. corncob

Cob grows from the book, in between the stem and the leaf midrib. In general, a single plant can produce only one cob productive despite having a number of female flowers. Corn is ready to harvest some fruit yielding varieties can produce more than one cob productive, and is referred to as a prolific varieties. Male flowers are ready for pollination of corn tends 2-5 days earlier than female flowers (protandri).
plant corn cobs have one or two, depending on variety. Corn cobs covered by leaves cornhusk. Corn cobs are located on the top of the first established and generally larger than those at the bottom. Each cob consists of 10-16 seed line whose number is always even.

Morphological Characteristic Classification as the Basis for seed plants

Morphological Characteristic Classification as the Basis for seed plants

To facilitate the study of plants is very diverse , it is conscious or unconscious humans classify existing plants according to their respective interests . Categorization or classification is based on the nature and characteristics of the plant diversity . The purpose of classification is to find similarities and differences in the nature and characteristics of the plant diversity .

Classification used is an artificial classification . The purpose of this classification is to facilitate the introduction , essentially only one or two morphological features easily seen that the leaves and stems .

Seed plants are classified based on morphological features of vegetative parts include the leaves and stems . Here 's a table of the morphological features of vegetative parts of plants have seeds which should be the basis pencandraan or identifying a plant . This table can be used as a reference for the classification , after an unidentified form of seed plants stems and leaves .

Corn Plant Taxonomy

Corn Plant Taxonomy

In plant systematics (taxonomy), corn classified as follows:

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotiledonae
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Zea
Species: Zea mays L.

Monday 11 November 2013

How do wheat cultivation

How do wheat cultivation - We all know, wheat is the main ingredient in making noodles and bread. But until now the government still needs to import wheat all in Indonesian. Though many areas in Indonesia are eligible for the cultivation of wheat. So necessary in plant wheat in Indonesian wheat imports that can be reduced.

Wheat plants will grow well in Indonesia with the air temperature conditions 15-25C with a neutral soil acidity pH 6.5 to 7.1. All types of land can save waterlogged soil.

Within one year of wheat should be planted one time, which began in March-May and July-September harvest.

Material requirements:

75-100 kg of wheat seed
45-100 kg SP36
1-5 tonnes of compost
How to plant:

Hoeing soil
Flatten the soil surface
Create a workflow with a distance of 20-30 cm.
Sprinkle flow into mature compost, and seeds SP36
Close the groove was the land of the plot was sown seeds
Beds will be formed after the closing of the flow

7-14 Hst: Sprinkle 30-35 kg urea / ha and 30-35 kg KCl / ha.
35, 45, 55, 65, 75 and 90 Hst Hst: Spray with liquid fertilizer supplement
Basically wheat pests and diseases is very minimal, the most dominant pests are aphids, while the disease is arguably no significant disease.

In principle, when the harvest is ripe seeds morphologically and physiologically ripe (beans are hard and shiny yellow brown with seed moisture content of 12-14% and a sharp spike is curved)
Harvesting is done by mowing rod 25 cm from ground level
Hay along with power knocked thrasser panicle rice, pedal thrasser and digepyok
Try to harvest during the dry season so as to facilitate drying and threshing grain
Knocked produces panicles of wheat grain.
Grain can be processed in a simple order that grain rice with a light ground and then sifted.