Sunday 1 December 2013

Soil bacteria

Some Criteria Grouping Soil Bacteria
Soil bacteria can be grouped into the following criteria :

I. Based on the food source, soil bacteria are grouped into two, namely :
1. Autotrophs bacteria or bacteria Lithotropik, namely : bacteria that can produce their own food, eg nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, sulfur oxidizing bacteria, sulfate reducing bacteria, etc. Autotrophs bacteria are grouped again based energy sources are needed, namely :
a. Bacteria Bacteria Photoautotroph or Lithotropik Photo : bacteria that produce their own food and energy sources used come from Sunlight
b. Bacteria Bacteria Khemoautotroph or Khemolithotropik : bacteria produce its own food and energy sources are used from the oxidation of organic matter.

2. Heterotroph bacteria or bacteria Organotropik, namely : bacteria get food from organic material or the remains of other living beings, both fauna and flora, and both the macro and the micro. Heterotroph bacteria is also grouped by source of food, into two groups, namely :
a. Bacteria Bacteria Photoheterotroph or Fotoorganotropik : bacteria get food from organic material or the remains of other living beings and the source of energy used comes from Sunlight
b. Bacteria Bacteria Khemoheterotroph or Khemoorganotropik : bacteria get food from organic material or the remains of other living beings and the source of energy used from the oxidation of organic matter.

II. Based Oxygen Demand, bacteria are grouped into three, namely :
1. Aerobic bacteria, ie bacteria that require oxygen for life ( O2 ),
2. Anaerobic bacteria, the bacteria do not require oxygen for life, even if there is oxygen these bacteria die
3. Microaerophilic bacteria, bacteria that require oxygen for life only in small amounts.

III . Based Role in Providing Nutrient for plants, grouped into three, namely :

  1. Bacteria Nitrogen
  2. Bacteria Phosphate Solvent
  3. Sulfate Reducing Bacteria.

Bacterial nitrogen also grouped into three based on its relationship with the plant , namely :

  1. symbiosis
  2. association
  3. Free life.

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