Monday 2 December 2013

Rubber Plant Nutrient Criteria Status

Rubber Plant Nutrient Criteria Status - Criteria rubber plant nutrient status can be determined from the value of nutrient content in leaves of the rubber plant . The nutrient content consists of nutrient nitrogen ( N ), phosphorus ( P ), Potassium ( K ) and magnesium ( Mg ). Based PTPN VII Musi Shelf compiled the following criteria :

Nutrient Criteria Status Nitrogen ( N ) :
1 . High : greater leaf nitrogen content equal to 3.51 %
2 . Medium : leaf nitrogen content ranged from 3.30 % s / d 3.50 %
3 . Low : less leaf nitrogen content equal to 3.29 %

Nutrient Criteria Status Phosphorus ( P ) :
1 . High : greater leaf phosphorus content is equal to 0.237 %
2 . Medium : leaf phosphorus content ranged from 0.233 % s / % d 0.236
3 . Low : less leaf phosphorus content is equal to 0.232 %

Nutrient Criteria Status Potassium ( K ) :
1 . High : greater leaf potassium content equal to 1.41 %
2 . Medium : leaf potassium content ranged from 1.31 % s / d 1.40 %
3 . Low : less leaf potassium content equal to 1.30 %

Nutrient Criteria Status Magnesium ( Mg ) :
1 . High : greater leaf magnesium content equal to 0.221 %
2 . Medium : magnesium content of the leaves ranged between 0.211 % s / % d 0.220
3 . Low : less leaf magnesium content equal to 0.210 %

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